
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Defenition and History of Masquerade

Attending festivals by wearing fancy dress in European countries essentially is very different from other cultures. The European use masks and disguises in celebrating certain festivals and it has been very popular among them for many centuries. In the 18th century, the term of masks and disguises was popular with the name of Masquerade which involves very attractive fashion. It is actually originated from the Venetian pre-Lent Carnival, improved in the seventeenth century. However, the fashion was not designed into common festivals in the early creation. Nevertheless, in the eighteenth century the popularity was inclined and it made the fashion turned into public aspects. For example, European were more likely to use this fashion in dancing, feasting and even practical jokes. The first event which masquerading was displayed in public was introduced in the city of London in 1710. The event was a public entertainment held in the theaters at Ranelagh and Vauxhall. Subsequently wit...

The Definition of Occult Dress

Occult dress is a dress originated and designed properly to Occultism. Occultism is slightly uncommon western system of theology that usages magic. The definition of magic being the way in which domestic concepts are utilized to effect transformations in the outside humanity. Occultists, for instance in northern European Pagans culture including witches, druids and ritual magicians such as cabalistists and hermetic occur magic as part of their mystical and religion cultures. Occult dress is functioned when participating in magic traditions, rituals or ceremonies. Western occult dress has three major purposes which are to expressively place the user in an unbelievable perceive of actuality, to recognize the status of the user in a communal faction, and to imply the beliefs of the people using.

Definition of Citizen-Centric

Citizen-Centric is an innovative method to organization of government information and distribution of government services so as to focus on inhabitant needs and requests as a replacement for traditional bureaucratic functions. For instance, a citizen-centric Web site may merge numerous services, provided by several departments or agencies, under a familiar headline established on life proceedings.

Definisi dan Pengertian Test Grafis di Test Potensi Akademik (TPA)

Test grafis yang umum dikenal sebenarnya terdiri dari empat alat tes yang berdiri terpisah. Mereka adalah tes BAUM (menggambar pohon), Draw A Person (DAP), dan House Tree Person (HTP). Ketiga alat test ini menggunakan media gambar untuk menelaah ciri kepribadian seseorang. HTP umumnya dipakai pada ranah klinisi karena kedalaman makna yang dapat digali. Pada ranah seleksi, yang umum digunakan adalah BUM, DAP dan atau DCT. Keempatnya memiliki norma tersendiri untuk menelaah dan mengartikan hasil gambar. Bahkan, DCT memiliki lembar nilai kuantitatif, yang tergolong unik untuk tes proyektif. Walaupun demikian, ada hal-hal umum yang berlaku dalam menelaah tes grafis. Ukuran dan Letak Gambar di Kertas Ukuran gambar keseluruhan dibandingkan ukuran kertas akan mencerminkan sesuatu. Demikian halnya peletakan gambar secara keseluruhan. Ukuran gambar berupa sangat kecil, proporsional, besar, atau sangat besar, bahkan ada gambar yang melebihi kertasnya. Peletakan gambar umumnya dibagi...

Definisi dan Pengertian Bargaining Politik

Dalam arena politik, sebuah istilah bargaining seringkali diucapkan. Akan tetapi, penyebutan bargaining terkesan negatif karena memiliki pengertian yang mendekati keinginan untuk menguasai. Namun demikian, bargaining politik adalah sebuah bentuk kerjasama yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku di bidang politik. Bargaining sendiri memiliki arti secara umum berupa perjanjian antara dua belah pihak atau lebih dalam menjalankan roda sistem yang telah disepakati. Sebagai contoh, pada sistem pemerintahan di Indonesia, bargaining politik dilakukan dengan cara adanya sistem koalisi beberapa partai dengan beberapa partai. Umumnya, partai pemenang pemilihan umum (pemilu) akan menjadi sasaran pertama untuk bergabung sedangkan partai dengan urutan kedua pada pemilu dianggap sebagai partai oposisi. Namun demikian, bargaining politik dalam hal ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan suasana musyawarah sehingga pola-pola diktatorship dapat dicegah.

Defenisi dan Pengertian Plato, Platonisme dan NeoPlatonisme

Defenisi dan Pengertian Plato, Platonisme dan NeoPlatonisme adalah sebuah faham aliran yang bersumber dari ajaran-ajaran Plato. Plato sendiri merupakan seorang filsuf terkenal di zamannya - Zaman Yunani Kuno pada abad 4 sampai 5 sebelum masehi. Pemikiran Plato sangat berpengaruh pada masyarakat era Renaissance dan umumnya berasal dari Italia seperti Nicholas Cusa, Marsilio Ficino, dan Giovannci Pico Della Mirandola. Ajaran Platonisme sendiri adalah sebuah pemahaman tentang pendapat-pendapat Plato dari berbagai aspek. Sebut saja seperti unsur kehidupan yang berasal dari Air, Tanah, Udara dan Api. Hal ini banyak diterima oleh masyarakat pada zaman Yunani Kuno. Namun demikian, pemahaman Platonisme berkembang pada masa Renaissance berkat Plotinus. Plotinus menulis beberapa tulisan melalui pendekatan-pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh Plato. Plotinus sendiri mengembangkan ajaran melalui prinsip-prinsip Plato, Ficino dan terkhususnya pemikiran Plotinus sendiri. Ajaran yang sampai sekara...

Defenisi dan Pengertian Application Suite

Defenisi dan Pengertian Application Suite adalah sebuah set program didesain agar dapat digunakan bersamaan dan dikonstruksi dalam suatu paket tunggal. Sebagai contoh, sebuah program office, yaitu Microsoft Office yang terdiri dari berbagai macam program dimulai dari Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Publisher dan semacamnya. Umumnya, set program ini didukung dengan berbagai hal yang saling berintegrasi satu sama lain, seperti penggunaan analisis data pada Microsoft Excel juga dapat ditampilkan di Microsoft Word. Application suite memiliki keunggulan dan kelemahan. Namun demikian, penggunaan application suite sangat berguna pada penggunaan dalam metode comprehensive atau menyeluruh. Hal ini dapat membantu pengguna untuk melakukan berbagai hal hanya dalam satu set program saja. Akan tetapi, penggunaan Application suite juga memiliki potensi kelemahan, salah satunya adalah dari sistem komersial. Pembelian Application Suite tidak dapat dilakukan secara...

The Amygdala

The amygdala and the hippocampus are adjacent old be relevant structures in the medial temporal lobe. The amygdala is an almond-shaped construct which is an important role in the brain's integration of emotional sense with perception and experience. It coordinates the procedures of the autonomic and endocrine systems and prompts issue of adrenaline and other excitatory hormones into the bloodstream. The amygdala is occupied in producing and responding to nonverbal secret code of anger, avoidance, defensiveness, and terror. The amygdala has been implicated in emotional dysregulation, aggressive behavior, and psychiatric illnesses such as depression. It has and been depicted to sport a crucial role in the formation of emotional reminiscence and in temporal lobe epilepsy.

Definition of BASIC or Beginner's All-Purpose Simplified Instruction Code

BASIC (Beginner's All-Purpose Simplified Instruction Code) began as an interactive computer programming language especially easy to learn. Invented in 1964, it now exists in many widely different versions. Students learning programming for the first time may know BASIC as the simple language found on most personal computers. Others know BASIC as a development language on personal computers and workstations.

Definition of Active Citizenship

Active citizenship is a contested concept. However, it is frequently used to describe citizens that engage in a broad range of activities that promote and sustain democracy. These actions include civil society activities such as protesting and collecting petitions, community activities such as volunteering, and conventional political engagement such as voting or campaigning for elections. In addition to participation, there is a normative value element to active citizenship. Active citizenship usually refers to participation that requires respect for others and that does not contravene human rights and democracy.

Definition of Adolescence

Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. This reflects not only the physical and emotional changes experienced by the adolescent, but the development of dietary behaviors. Adolescence is generally assumed to be the period of human development from 10 to 18 years of age.

Definition of Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale

The Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) is a rating scale that was designed in the 1970s to measure involuntary movements known as tardive dyskinesia (TD). It is a disorder that sometimes develops as a side effect of long-term treatment with neuroleptic (antipsychotic) medications.

Definitions of Polymer

A polymer is a chemical substance whose molecules are large and consist of many small repeating units covalently bonded together. In nature, a wide variety of polymers, the biopolymers, are synthesized by living organisms. Among such biopolymers are the proteins which perform many different functions, such as acting as catalysts or regulators. For example, the polysaccharides - important in structures and as energy reserves - and the nucleic acids which carry genetic information from one generation to the next. In addition, rubber, a plant polymer, is an industrially important elastomer, while little direct commercial use has yet been found for lignin, another abundant plant polymer. The microbial polyesters, polyhydroxyalkanoates, are, in contrast, growing in importance as biodegradable plastics made from renewable resources.